How do I know if you're qualified to help me?

Since I was very young I’ve always been passionate about psychology, spirituality, hypnosis, and astrology.

After graduating from the University of Psychology, I felt like I needed to pursue a different career, in music, which brought me a lot of satisfaction.

In the meantime, I have never stopped studying psychology and spirituality as I was always trying to better myself, to work on myself, and to reach a space of inner peace where I can find joy in everything that I do. 

And then the shift has happened. I heard this calling and I decided that now I am ready to serve others because I have all the tools necessary to help people find themselves and to reach their highest potential.

 I believe that one of my gifts is my heightened intuition. I can usually narrow down the exact problems that need to be addressed in a session and what is the best way to help my clients.

Regarding my training, I have a degree in Psychology, I’ve graduated from the ULBS University of Psychology from Sibiu, Romania. I have trained in hypnotherapy, spiritual coaching, and neuro-linguistic programming with renowned coaches like Karen E Wells, David Key, and Emily Rivera.

I have received certifications that are accredited by CTAA – Complementary Therapists Accreditation Association, Transformation Academy, Auspicium, International Alliance of Holistic Therapists, and by the internationally recognized Continuing Professional Development Standards Agency.

Please check the degrees/diplomas/certifications below.

Read Clients Testimonials, here: Testimonials

