The Happiness Test Find out how happy you are in your life right now by taking this 5 minute Quiz Click on the Next button to start the quiz. Read each question carefully and choose one answer. Don't overthink it, just choose the answer that first comes to mind. Enter Your E-mail Address 1. How happy do you feel right now, in this moment?Not happy at allI don't remember the last time I was happyNot sureModerately happyVery happy 2. In general do you consider yourself a happy person?NoI used to be, but life is hard for me right nowI try to beSometimesYes 3. What makes you happy in general?Money, a big house, a nice carA great jobGood relationshipsFamily and friendsLittle things, nature, love, peace of mind 4. What does happiness mean to you?I don't know what happiness isHaving all the material things that I wantAchieving everything that I want in lifeLittle things like a cup of coffee, a walk on the beach, a date, a sunrise, a day spent with my familyBeing free and at peace 5. Some people seem to be happy no matter the circumstances. Are you one of those people?Most definitely notI don't understand these people, you must achieve things in life to be happyI wish I was like that, I envy these peopleSometimes I am one of those peopleYes, I enjoy life to the fullest, no matter what 1 out of 3 6. Can you find something positive even in the most difficult situations?No, not reallyI am overwhelmed by difficult situationsI'd like to, but sometimes it's impossibleMost of the times, yesAbsolutely. There are lessons to be learned from every difficult situation 7. Do you ever feel lonely?Yes, very often, even if I am surrounded by peopleOnly when I am truly alone for a longer period of timeI am a loner, I enjoy my lonelinessSometimesRarely 8. Do you often feel depressed?Yes, since I've known myselfYes, quite oftenOnly when things don't go my way or something bad happensRarelyNever 9. Do you ruminate about the past?Yes, all the timeVery oftenI try not to, but I can't help it sometimesRarelyNo, I live into the NOW 10. Do you feel loved?NoI don't knowRarelyMost of the timesAlways, even if I only love myself 2 out of 3 11. Can you see the good in people even if they disappoint you?No, once they disappoint me, they're dead to meDepends on the personI try to, but it's really difficultSometimesYes, always 12. "Things are always working out for me" Do you agree with this statement?Strongly disagreeDisagreeI don't knowAgreeStrongly agree 13. "No matter what life throws at me, I will be ok" Do you agree with this statement?Strongly disagreeDisagreeI don't knowAgreeStrongly agree 14. "I am doomed to live an unhappy life" Do you agree with this statement?Strongly agreeAgreeI don't knowDisagreeStrongly disagree 15. Are you grateful for the things you have in your life?I don't have anything to be grateful forI have one or two things to be grateful forI try to beSometimesAbsolutely, there are so many things to be grateful for 3 out of 3 Time is Up!